Friday, November 03, 2006


Tuesday night a group of us went to dinner. Then we went shopping at the GAP. We all bought something from the (RED) campaign. If you haven't heard about this yet, the (RED) campaign is awesome! A bunch of companies/people got together (The GAP, Apple, etc..) and for every (RED) product sold, they are donating half to the HIV/AIDS cause in Africa. So please get out there and buy (RED)!

After our adventure in the GAP, we went for a walk through NY. It was Halloween. We didn't see as many weirdos as I thought we might, but we weren't near one of the many Halloween parades throughout the city. We did however see the Ghostbusters! We ended up at Serendipity for desert. MMMMMM!!! This is the place that is in the movie "Serendipity". Good food! Huge deserts! Even bigger bill!! (as you can see below)

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