Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Moving to San Antonio, TX!!!

Well, life is a bit crazy right now in the DeYoung household... my husband accepted a job in San Antonio, Texas. We are moving! We both love the area and are very excited about our new home to be. I will continue to be back in Florida quite often as I really love working in this area. Since I already travel for weddings, Florida will just become another " working vacation" destination of mine! I am also really excited about starting in a great new place like San Antonio. The best of both worlds! I love that I get to travel. I love that I get to work with and meet so many wonderful people. I love my job!!

We are loading our house up this week and moving ourselves out to Texas over the course of next week, so if you have contacted me please be patient. I will get back with you as soon as possible and will do my best to stay on top of everything throughout this crazy time. Thank you for your understanding!


Jensey! said...

Congratulations, Amy!! Does this mean no more PUGs? :) Let us know when you're able to make it back to Orlando.. Nate and I are always up for a dinner date! Best of luck to you in your new home!!

Andy Martin said...

Hi Amy,

Congratulations on your new adventure! I don't think I ever thanked you for what you did for me... Thank you so much for telling me about bludomain. You have helped more than you know. God Bless!

In God's Care,

Andy Martin

Kara Pennington Photography said...

Hi Amy!!! How did the move go?

Jo Hilton said...

I came across your blog while surfing the internet... welcome to San Antonio!! It's a GREAT city and I hope you find it as hospitable and comfortable as we did! :) I'm just getting started in the professional world of photography... I wish you ALL the best! Josy

Amy DeYoung said...

Thanks Jensey! I'm hoping I'll still be able to catch some of the Orlando PUG's :) I'll definitely be back in the area!

Andy - Thank you :) I'm glad I could help. Bludomain rocks!! I checked out your site, it looks great!

Hi Kara - the move went well, and we are finally in our house!!

Josy - thanks for leaving a comment! I am loving SA thus far :) Do you live here currently?