Friday, September 21, 2007

L.A. ~ been home for a week and finally blogging...

I had an amazing time in L.A.!! Not only did I learn a ton that will help propel my business that much further ahead, but I also got to catch up with my amazing friends Millie Holloman and Davina Fear. The three of us roomed together and had a great time! Davina's birthday took place while we were there, so Millie and I had the pleasure of being her birthday dates :) These two ladies are two of the fabulous four putting on the Love Affair Workshops, which I won't be missing!! Davina spoke at the conference and her talk really has helped me start to organize my life and my business. I'm really excited about everything I took away from L.A. I also got to spend time with my Florida friend TimCo and Stacy Cross from right here in Austin, TX. What a great trip!

Davina, Millie and I

Stacy Cross and I in the photo booth

1 comment:

Davina said... I totalllllyyy want a molten from Chili's RIGHT now! You always do the cutest photo booth pictures and I never get to do them with you, why is that? I'm bummed I always miss it! I'm so glad we got to room together and thank you soooo much for your help with my presentation. You are a wonderful friend!