Ahh, Love Affair - to have a love affair with your life, with your family, with your God, with your career. That was the focus of this workshop. How to get your life back and still have a love affair with all the important areas of your life. To have that much desired balance that we all strive for. On the airplane ride out to the East Coast, I made a list of those things I wanted to get out of my week at Bald Head Island. My list included...
- Learning how to balance family (husband and baby) and a thriving business
- Time to renew and refresh
- Gain photoshop and photography knowledge (the learning never ends)
I came back having gained SO much! Thanks to all of the amazing ladies in attendance and the fantastic four (Davina, Lauren, Kelly, and Millie) that put on this amazing workshop. I feel I am now better prepared to juggle business owner, wife, motherhood, and all the other roles us women face. I was able to spend some time relaxing as well. Everything was first class - from the super soft robe greeting us on our beds, to the home cooked meals all week long by Millie's phenominal mother (she cooked for 60 of us every meal!), to the finale night that included professional massages for everyone! Here are some images to share my experience...
All of the ladies...
Our home away from home - the house on the right...
Some shots around the island...
This was my wonderful roomie, Meggie...
A few images I took during the shooting sessions...
A few shots Lauren Clark took of me & my belly...
And lastly, the final night the fantastic four gave us a book that they had put together. Everyone was having them sign the book, while I had them sign the baby...
Hi Amy! When are you due again? Love the belly shot!!!!!!! Your images are beautiful. It was awesome meeting you - wish we could have hung out more.
AMY!!!!!! I miss you! Love on "magnus for me"!
you are absotively posoluetly adorable.
You're the most beautiful preggers I've ever seen:) Those shots are absolutely beautiful! It's so cool that you've connected with other brilliant minds to share in your passion my friend. Love you!
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